Sales, marketing, & dispatch module in ERP software enables full control over sales & marketing activities. The marketing team generates leads using various tools, and then it is converted into a potential business opportunity. The sales part of the module handles pre-sales and sales activity. Together ERP for sales, marketing and dispatch makes the business grow. The sales and marketing module successfully tackle all the difficulties during the lead generation phase.

The dispatch part of the module stores the data of all the customers in the system. The module aids in generating sales orders, and helps in tracking the sales order status. After a successful generation of sales orders, entry is made in the sales register. Customer wise list that includes details like customer name, item names and date of order are generated by dispatch module. Invoice generation is also a part of the sales, marketing, & dispatch module. All these activities are automated, eliminating human intervention for error-free operations.

ERP Software for Sales, marketing, & dispatch monitors all the activities of the industry. ITSKY ERP for sales, marketing, & dispatch is helping many industries to manage their sales, marketing, & dispatch operations. These industries include plastic industry, manufacturing industry, Food industry, FMCG industry, & steel industry. ITSKY ERP for sales, marketing, and dispatch collects various information from finance and accounts module about finance and manages its own activities respectively. ITSKY ERP module for sales, marketing, & dispatch aids the industry to function successfully.

Features of Sales, Marketing, & Dispatch module

Customer Details

Multiple or Multi-Tiered Orders

Sales Territories

Automated Marketing

Benefits of Sales, Marketing, & Dispatch

The sales, marketing, & dispatch is a crucial part of ERP Module. This module keeps the industry functional and brings potential business to the industry. In absence of this module, the ERP system will not only collapse, but also result in a heavy loss in profit. ITSKY Info provides industry-specific ERP software solutions for every industry. ITSKY ERP upgraded with time to meet the modern industry requirements.

Primary Sales Management


Consignee and Broker Management

Secondary Sales management

Target Management

Credit control management

Scheme Management

Competitor Analysis

Insurance Management

Delivery Route Management

Customer Complaint